英语PK台 第1028期:家喻户晓的荷兰小英雄 《堵水坝的男孩》(在线收听


1. Many years ago, there lived in Holland a boy named Peter. Peter's father was one of the men who watched the gates in the dikes, called sluices. He opened and closed the sluices so that ships could pass out of Holland's canals into the great sea. 


2. One afternoon in the early fall, when Peter was eight years old, his mother called him. "Come, Peter," she said. "I want you to go across the dike and take these cakes to your friend, the blind man. If you go quickly, and do not stop to play, you will be home again before dark." 


3. The little boy was glad to go and off he went with a light heart. He stayed with the poor blind man a little while, to tell him about his walk along the dike; about the sun and the flowers and the ships far out at sea. Then he remembered his mother's wish that he should return before dark and, bidding his friend goodbye, he set out for home. 


4. As he walked beside the canal, he noticed how the rains had heightened the waters, and how they beat against the side of the dike, and he thought of his father's gates. "I am glad they are so strong," he said to himself. "If they gave way what would happen? These pretty fields would be covered with water. Father always calls them the 'angry waters.' I suppose he thinks they are angry at him for keeping them out so long." 

沿着运河边走时,他注意到雨水是如何让水位涨高,以及海水是如何拍打在堤坝上,同时他还想到了父亲看守的水闸。“堤坝这么牢固,这真令我高兴,” 他自言自语地说,“如果这堤坝塌了,将会发生什么?这些美丽的田野将会被水淹没。父亲总是把这样的海水称为“愤怒的海水”。我猜他是认为这海水是因为被他阻挡在堤坝那边那么久才对他发怒的。


5. As he walked along, he sometimes stopped to pick the pretty blue flowers that grew beside the road, or to listen to the rabbits′ soft tread as they rustled through the grass. Suddenly he noticed that the sun was setting, and that it was growing dark. "Mother will be watching for me," he thought, and he began to run toward home. Just then he heard a noise. It was the sound of trickling water! He stopped and looked down. There was a small hole in the dike, through which a tiny stream was flowing. Any child in Holland is frightened at the thought of a leak in the dike. 


6. Peter understood the danger at once. If the water ran through a little hole it would soon make a larger one, and the whole country would be flooded. In a moment he saw what he must do. Throwing away his flowers, he climbed down the side of the dike and thrust his finger into the tiny hole. The flowing of the water was stopped! 


9. Peter tried to whistle, but his teeth chattered with the cold. He thought of his brother and sister in their warm beds, and of his dear father and mother. "I must not let them be drowned," he thought. "I must stay here until someone comes, if I have to stay all night." 


10. The moon and stars looked down on the child crouching on a stone on the side of the dike. His head was bent, and his eyes were closed, but he was not asleep, for every now and then he rubbed the hand that was holding back the angry sea. "I'll stand it somehow," he thought. So he stayed there all night keeping the sea out. Early the next morning a man going to work thought he heard a groan as he walked along the top of the dike. Looking over the edge, he saw a child clinging to the side of the great wall. 


11. “What's the matter?" he called. "Are you hurt?" "I'm keeping the water back!" Peter yelled. "Tell them to come quickly!" The alarm was spread. People came running with shovels and the hole was soon mended. They carried Peter home to his parents, and not long after the whole town knew that he had saved their lives that night. To this day, they have never forgotten the brave little hero of Holland. 

