
Making a Virtual Arm Move May Help a Real Arm Move With Stroke Patients

David Karchem remembers exactly when his life changed forever.

David Karchem 至今依旧记得那件改变他一生的时刻。 

It was actually ten years three months and three days ago.


That’s when Karchem experienced a stroke while driving.


He was able to pull over and get help, but the left side of his body was paralyzed.


While traditional physical therapy helped a little initially, brain computer interface and virtual reality are helping him regain movement more than ten years after his stroke.


If somebody can’t move their arm in the real world, we can augment that in the virtual world,


and take their their bodies attempt to move and make it seem like they’re moving in the virtual world.


Occupational therapists and neuroscientist Sook-Lei Liew says when someone has a stroke, there is a blockage in the brain that cuts off blood flow.

职业治疗师和神经科学家Sook-Lei Liew表示,人们中风时,大脑血管会堵塞。 

But virtual reality through brain computer interface may help encourage the brain to find new routes and bypass the blockage.


In this study, electrodes are placed on the scalp and on the arm muscles.


They’re connected to the computer and this virtual world.


The user has to try to move this virtual arm with their real arm or with their mind.


We hope that showing them a virtual arm that moves that maybe they can feel like is a little bit of their own body.


That helps to reinforce and kind of reward the motors attempt.


And then it should strengthen the brain activity related to controlling motor abilities.


Karchem says working with a virtual arm has helped him extend his arm and move his wrist and fingers.


It improved my walking ability."


But Karchem says the positive effects of a session like this only lasts for a few months.


Researchers are working on a more portable version of this technology for participants to take home and continue studying how brain computer interface and VR can help stroke patients gain a better quality of life.

