《绝命毒师》讲解 第18期:小词大用partner(在线收听

Walt: The DEA took all your money, your lab. You got nothing. Square 1. But you know the business. And I know the chemistry. I'm thinking maybe you and I could partner up.


partner up 成为搭档

We'll work in teams of two. Partner up and get to it. 我们要两人一组工作,找个搭档然后开始吧。

Dance partner 舞伴

Would you like a dance partner for this next song? 下一首歌你愿意当我的舞伴吗?


Business partner 生意伙伴

Let me discuss the details of this deal with my business partner first and I'll get back to you. 我要先跟我的合伙人商量一下这笔交易,然后我会给你回信的。

Partners in crime 一起做坏事的人(现在多用于说笑)

Kelly and I used to be partners in crime back in college. We used to steal the exams from professors before the test date. Kelly和我以前总一起干坏事,我们以前会在考试之前去教授那偷考题。

Language partner 语伴
