美国小学英语教材5:第275课 约翰去了玩具谷(5)(在线收听



They went at once to the store, where Father Hofer left a package of lace to be sent away and sold. There was nobody in the store but the man behind the counter, for in the winter all the people were busy carving and stayed all day long in their own houses. But Father Hofer and the shopkeeper had a long talk, while John looked about the store at the many things it contained, until he discovered a wooden frame filled with carver’s tools of many shapes and sizes. Before these tools he planted himself until his father was ready to go.


John followed through the crooked street, so narrow now with banks of tumbled snow piled high above his head that he could not walk at his father’s side, but had to trot on behind. His father went so fast that he had no time to look at the gay paper toys pinned up in some of; the windows, although he knew the children who had put them there. And the broad window sills—how well I they were filled with green moss and bright berries — though none were prettier than their own at home. Still, he would have liked to stop and look at them and at the bright flowers growing in pots in the window where Dono and Peter lived.

