《凯莉日记》第6期: 凯莉, 准备好了吗?(在线收听

It's covered in nail polish.


Oh--oh, my god.


It's ruined. Why did you do that?

没法用了 你为什么要这么做

I didn't mean to. The bottle must have broke.

我不是故意的 肯定是瓶子坏了

You wanted to destroy it.


No. I wanted something of mom, and you got everything.

不是 我只是想要个妈妈的东西 什么都是你的

No, I didn't.


You got the purse. Your 16th birthday. The start of high school. I got nothing.

你有这个包 十六岁生日 高中入学都有妈妈陪伴 而我一无所有

I never thought of myself as the lucky one,


but I had precious extra years with our mom that Dora would never have.


You're okay, Dorrit. You're okay. Mom loved you. So much.

你没事的 多莉特 你没事的 妈妈爱你 很爱很爱

I don't need your pity.


I'm just trying to


You think because you always acted like such a goody-goody around mom that you can boss me around? Well, screw you.

你以为你总是在妈妈身边当个乖乖女就能对我发号施令了吗 去你的吧

You're pissed at me? I should be angry at you. You ruined mom's purse.

你竟然还生我的气 该生气的是我吧 你毁了妈妈的包

You know what? I'm glad I did. Now you can't have it, either.

知道吗 我真高兴我那么做了 现在你也不能拥有它了

I realized I had a choice.


I could blame Dorrit, or I could let go of my anger and still find a way to hold on to my mother and to the purse.

我可以责怪多莉特 或者消除自己的怒火 找到一个继续让妈妈陪伴我让这个包陪伴我的方法

Carrie, we leave for the city in five minutes! You ready?

凯莉 我们五分钟后出发 准备好了吗

You bet I was.

