《凯莉日记》第13期: 终于说实话了(在线收听

In two weeks, my purse will be in "Interview" Magazine.

两周内 我的手提包就会上《访谈》杂志

You're gonna be famous.


Well, my bag will be.


You still wanna hang with me when your bag's so important?

你的包包这么重要 你还想和我一起玩吗

Mm, I'll try to find time for you. My bag may have a lot going on. You know, parties, clubs, openings to attend.

我会腾出时间陪你的 我的包包会忙的不可开交 参加派对啦 俱乐部啦 开幕式啦

While I'll be stuck here, hanging at the country club.

我只能被困在这里 参加乡村俱乐部

Did you have fun? Bump into anyone interesting?

你玩的开心吗 遇到了什么有意思的人吗

Nah. Uneventful.


I knew it wasn't the whole truth. The question was, would he step up and be honest?

我知道他没有完全说实话 问题是 他会不会站出来对我说实话呢

Sebastian. Turns out someone else was planning on stepping up and butting in.

塞巴斯蒂安 结果打算站出来搅混水的 另有其人

Did you have a good weekend, Carrie?

你周末过得好吗 凯莉

Yeah. Thanks for asking. You?

很好 谢谢关心 你呢

You know, I can always make my own fun.

你懂的 我总能给自己找乐子

Oh. I forgot to give you this back. Thanks for keeping me warm.

忘记把这个还给你了 谢谢你温暖我

I'm sorry.


For lying or that you got caught?




Finally the truth.


Can I... Yeah

我能... 坐吧

Donna was at the country club with her parents. I was there with my dad. We hung out, but nothing


多娜和她的父母一起去了乡村俱乐部 我和我爸爸一起去的 我们出去转了转 但什么也没有发生
