美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2007-11-23(在线收听

1. President Bush says it's the least he can do this Thanksgiving Day: calling members of the armed forces overseas. The White House says Bush called troops stationed in remote locations worldwide to wish them a happy holiday and thank them for their service.

2. Iran is expecting the UN Security Council to close the file on the country's nuclear activities after its investigation into past atomic programs wraps up. An Iranian diplomat says there will be no "legal and technological justification" for continued Security Council involvement after the probe.

3. The father of missing American teenager Natalee Holloway will re-launch a search for her body in waters off Aruba. His announcement comes after police rearrested three suspects in her 2005 disappearance.

4. A plague of starlings in Tamworth Australia has driven desperate locals to try an unusual scare tactic. Council workers have unpacked a hundred rubber snakes and strapped them in strategic locations on trees in hopes of scaring the birds away.