2018年经济学人 一周要闻 习近平与金正恩会谈 新西兰总理诞下女婴(在线收听


Mounting trouble India’s ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party pulled out of an alliance with the People’s Democratic Party in Kashmir, prompting the state government to collapse. Kashmir’s governor, who is appointed by the BJP led central government, will assume control of the state. Separately, unknown attackers murdered Shujaat Bukhari, one of Kashmir’s most respected journalists.

印度执政的印度教民族主义政党印度人民党(Bharatiya Janata Party)退出了与克什米尔人民民主党(People’s Democratic Party)的联盟,导致邦政府垮台。人民党领导的中央政府任命的克什米尔州长将接管该邦。另外,不知名的袭击者谋杀了克什米尔最受尊敬的记者之一Shujaat Bukhari。

New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, has given birth to her first child, a baby girl. She will now take six weeks of maternity leave, during which her duties will be performed by the deputy prime minister. She is only the second elected leader in modern history to give birth in office. The first was Benazir Bhutto, a prime minister of Pakistan, in 1990.

新西兰总理阿德恩(Jacinda Ardern)诞下第一胎——一名女婴。她现在将休6周的产假,期间将由副总理代行总理职责。她是现代历史上第二位任期内生育的由选举产生的领导人。第一位是1990年巴基斯坦总理贝娜齐尔·布托(Benazir Bhutto)。

Kim Jong Un’s makeover continued with a two-day visit to China, where the North Korean dictator was hailed as a leader trying to develop his impoverished nation. Mr Kim, who keeps babies in prison camps and has had members of his own family killed, attended a banquet hosted by Xi Jinping, China’s president. The pair discussed Mr Kim’s recent summit with Donald Trump,which was held in Singapore.

金正恩的改变还在继续,他对中国进行了为期两天的访问,在那里这位朝鲜独裁者被誉为试图令贫穷国家发展的领导人。这位曾把孩子关进监狱,谋杀家族成员的领导人出席了中国国家主席习近平举办的宴会。两人讨论了金正恩近期与唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)在新加坡举行的峰会。
