英语新闻听写 儿童蜡笔被指含有致癌成分(在线收听

Group Finds Asbestos in Children's Crayons, Toy Crime Lab Kits


The EWG Action Fund is calling for a ban on asbestos in consumer products after it found traces of the carcinogen in children's crayons and toy crime lab kits.


Four of 28 boxes of crayons tested positive for asbestos, according to the newly released report from the advocacy group.


A private lab hired by the EWG Action Fund, a sister organization of the Environmental Working Group,


also detected and confirmed asbestos in two of 21 toy crime lab kits it evaluated.


Breathing in microscopic asbestos fibers has been linked to serious health problems, including lung disease, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

吸入石棉可能造成的健康危害包括,引发肺部疾病(lung disease)、 肺癌(lung cancer)以及肋膜间皮癌(mesothelioma)。
