
The Green Dream


Running your own greenhouse may seem idyllic. The reality is not for the faint of heart. By James Tarmy


With the exception of a few years in the late 1800s when some rowdy servants burned down the manor house by mistake,


the Erskine family has peacefully occupied the sprawling Cambo estate in Fife, Scotland, for more than 350 years.


Along the way, they’ve been patrons for generations of agricultural workers who’ve tended the grounds.


The cost of that support has become increasingly steep,


so five years ago the Erskines turned Cambo’s gardens in to a charitable trust with a mission to educate young adults in the art of rural agriculture.


“Scotland is very short of young people going in to rural occupations,” says Catherine, Lady Erskine.



“There is a skills gap.”But first they had to build new green houses.

“存在技能缺口。” 但首先,他们必须建造新的温室。

The existing ones, dating from the early 19th century, had “become quite shabby” says her husband, Sir Peter Erskine.

她的丈夫彼得·厄斯金爵士表示,现存的建于19世纪初的那些温室,已经 “变得相当破旧”。

The wood frames were rotting, glass panes had been patched haphazardly, and maintaining an even temperature was almost impossible. “


They’d outlived their natural lifespan.”


The family hired a U.K. company called Alitex Ltd. to build a structure with four sections

这家人雇佣一家名为Alitex Ltd.的英国公司,来建造一个包含四部分的建筑物。

—one for peaches, one that serves as a year-round space full of flowers and plants, and two to instruct trainees in the art of growing vegetables.


“The desire to educate had always been embedded in country estates,” Lady Erskine says.

“对教育的渴望一直根植于这座乡村庄园,” 厄斯金夫人说。

“They were the training facility for the local area.” The new greenhouse cost roughly £500,000 ($649,000).

