福克斯新闻 美国总统奥巴马签署退伍军人自杀预防法案(在线收听

Just days after the House and Senate unanimously passed the Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act,the President-with veterans,lawmakers from both parties,and Clay Hunt's parents in attendance, signed the bill into law.

参众两院一致通过克莱·亨特预防退伍士兵自杀法案仅仅几天后,总统与退伍军人,两党议员, 克莱·亨特的父母一同出席签署使之成为法律。

“This law will not bring Clay back as much as we all wish it would.


But the reforms that it puts in place would have helped.”


The new law, named for a Marine who took his own life four years ago after serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, helps veterans transition out of active duty.


It's also designed to increase access for veterans to mental healthcare.

