

You are Peter/Mary. Write a note to invite a famous professor to give a lecture to the students who love English in your university. You should clearly say the purpose of the invitation and the time of lecture.
Saturday, April 16th

Dear Professor Hilton,

I am the president of the English society in Xiamen University, We are holding an event inviting esteemed professors in this field to give students a lecture on a chosen subject. I wonder whether you would like to accept our sincerest invitation and present a lecture related to the study of conversational Eng1ish. I would like to express our gratitude on behalf of our society. The provisional booking is on Tuesday next week. If it is not a convenient time, we can also alter the date.

Yours sincerely,

1.We would like to invite you to give a lecture to the students of our English Department
2.Since you are the expert in this field,I feel that we have to invite you to give the students a lecture,
3.Your academic reputation precedes you2 and it would be an honour to have you address our students.
4.l would be deeply grateful if you can give our earnest students a lecture on the topic concerning conversational English.
5.Your acceptance of this invitation would be greatly appreciated.
6.Your books are well-known at the university and the students would be delighted to meet you.
7.I am sure that numerous enthusiastic students will be enlightened by your lecture.
8.We have scheduled the seminar on the 20th of June.
9.Alterations regarding the date can be made to accommodate your schedule.