英语专业四级便条写作范文 :约指导老师(在线收听


You want to have a discussion with your supervisor about your BA thesis. Now you are at his office, but he is not in. You want to leave a note to his secretary suggesting a plan for your meeting.
Wednesday, April 13th

Dear Professor Cai,

Unfortunately, I missed you this morning but it is fairly urgent that I see you to clarify a number of points regarding my thesis. I spoke to your secretary about making a definite appointment but she said you would have to confirm a suitable time. As the thesis has to be submitted by the end of next week, I would appreciate it if you could see me before the weekend. I need your opinion on the presentation so I can put the finishing touches to the paper.

Yours sincerely,

1.I had hoped to catch you in your office this morning.
2.I came to your office to discuss the requirements of my thesis with you.
3.I need to ascertain the criteria you employ to gauge a BA thesis so that I will have a clear direction.
4.My thesis is nearly finished but I need your opinion on a couple of points.
5.I have a few matters that I need to consult you about as soon as possible.
6.There are certain points in your thesis requirements that I am not sure about.
7.Your help in supervising my thesis is greatly appreciated.
8.Your secretary said she would confirm an appointment time to meet with you.
9.When would be the most convenient time for you to see me?
10.1 wonder whether can come over,tomorrow morning around nine.