新奇事件簿 脸谱网向15岁神童伸出橄榄枝(在线收听

Tech giants Facebook and Google are in competition to attract the talents of a 15-year-old app developer. Australian teenager Ben Pasternak sparked the interest of the companies after he designed an app for a game called Impossible Rush. The app has been downloaded more than 500,000 times since its launch in October.The addictive game managed to climb higher than Vine and Twitter on the App Store charts. Pasternak has been invited by Facebook's internship department for a tour of the company's headquarters in California. He is also being wooed by Google, whose vice president has asked him to come to visit its campus. Both companies hope Ben could be one of their future developers.

脸谱网和谷歌正在为一名15岁的应用开发员而展开了激烈的竞争。本-帕斯特纳克,这名15岁的澳大利亚青年曾经设计了一款名叫Impossible Rush的游戏应用,之后两家公司都对他产生了兴趣。自从这款游戏在10月份发布以来,下载量超过了50万次。没想到这款应用程序的人气居然超过了苹果商店中的短视频应用Vine和交友应用Tinder。 脸谱网站的实习部门邀请帕斯特纳克来到了加利福尼亚的总部进行参观。谷歌也对他伸出了橄榄枝,其副总裁还邀请他来参观他的校园。两家公司都希望帕斯特纳克能够成为他们未来的开发人员。

Mr Pasternak is one of 450 high-school-aged entrepreneurs accepted on a Google and MIT sponsored event called Hack Generation Y. The high-schoolers have been invited from ten countries across the world. They willcollaborate on a 36-hour project to create a sellable product. They will also listen to featured speakers from the technology and hacking world. Michael Matias, the organiser of the event, said: "Pasternak is a young entrepreneur and clearly ambitious. He has shown the world that age is just a number." He added that:"[Pasternak's] iPhone app was extremely impressive and if we were to guess, we would never imagine it was run by a 15-year-old."

