美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2020-03-02(在线收听


Markets in Asia droppped again on Friday, and it may concern about coronavirus and its economic fall out, this comes after Wall Street and one day died in 9 years. Health officials in Northern California, are retracing the of the woman who has contracted coronavirus, this may be the first person in the US, to get  the virus, travelling abroad any contact to anyone who had it, Democrats are campaigning in South Carolina, ahead of Saturday's Presidential preliminary, Bernie Sanders says he doesn't believe Joe Biden can beat President Trump, Biden took a swipe to Sander's , saying the nation is looking for a revolution, no injuries were reported after a major watermine burst in Huston flooding a in submergine vehicles. The water noise for the cities' entire fresh water system, Ben Tommas the associated press with AP news minute. 

