看老友记学英语 “轻松任你行”(在线收听

I did it! I figured out a way to make money.

我想到了! 我想到赚钱的路子了

I'll open a massage place. Frank will help me.


We'll work it around his schedule, so he doesn't have to quit school.


But how can you afford it?


We were walking down the street, and we saw your van.

我们走在路上 看见你们办外烩的小巴

And we realized -I'm telling it!

就想到… 我要说啦

People need transportation, and they need massages to relax.

人们需要交通工具 也需要按摩放松

We can combine the two. I give massages and Frank drives.

我们可以结合两者 我按摩,法兰克开车

I'll bolt a table in the van, and you know what I've got?

我可以在小巴里装个桌子 结果就是什么?

A place that no one will get out of alive?


Think about it. It's a taxi that people take when they need to relax.

不是,你们想嘛 就是给想放松的人搭的计程车

It's a Relaxi-Taxi!


The name was my favorite part!


I came up with it. -You did not!

是我想出来的 你乱讲

You came up with Relaxi-Cab. That's not good.

你想的是轻松之行 一点也不好
