听歌学英语:未说的话 Words - Skylar Grey(在线收听

 Always in a rush总是如此匆忙

Never stay on the phone long enough讲电话的时间从来都不够长
Why am I so self - important为什么我如此以自我为中心
Said I'd see you soon我说过不久会去看你
But that was oh maybe a year ago但那大概是在一年前了
Didn't know time was of the essence那时不知道时间是最为重要的
So many questions有那么多问题要问
But I'm talking to myself但我只能说给自己
I know that you can't我知道你再也不会
Hear me any more听到我的言语
Not anymore再也不会了
So much to tell you有那么多的话要告诉你
And most of all goodbye大多数都是告别
But I know that you can't但我知道你再也
Hear me any more听不到我的言语了
It's so loud inside my head 脑中在大声疾呼
With words that I should have said 那么多话本应对你说的话
And as I drown in my regrets 尽管我深深愧疚
I can't take back the words我也决不能够收回
I never said我从不曾说过的话
I never said 从未说过的
I can't take back the words我收不回
I never said从未说过的话
Always talking shit 总是废话连篇
Took your advice and did the opposite 听了你的建议却做相反的事
Just being young and stupid 年轻而愚蠢
I haven't been all that 我还未完全变成
You could've hoped for你本能希望我变成的样子
But if you'd held on a little longer但如果你再多停留一会
You'd have had more你就能有更多的理由
Reasons to be proud来为我骄傲
So many questions有那么多问题要问
But I'm talking to myself但我只能说给自己
I know that you can't我知道你再也听不到
Hear me any more 我的话语
Not anymore 再也不会了
So much to tell you有那么多的话要告诉你
And most of all goodbye大多数是告别
But I know that you can't 但我知道你再也听不到
Hear me any more 我的话语
It's so loud inside my head 脑中的声音如此洪亮
With words that I should have said 那么多本应对你说的话语啊!
And as I drown in my regrets 深深愧疚
I can't take back the words 可怎么也不可能收回那些话语
The longer I stand here 在这里待得越久
The louder the silence 沉默却愈加猖狂嘹亮
I know that you're gone 我知道你已不在
But sometimes I swear that I hear但我发誓有时我
Your voice when the wind blows 能在风起的时候听见你的声音。
So I talk to the shadows于是我向影子诉说
Hoping you might be listening希望你也在听
Cause I want you to know因为我想让你知道
It's so loud inside my head 脑中的声音如此洪亮
With words that I should have said 那么多本应对你说的话语啊!
And as I drown in my regrets虽然我深陷于愧疚
I can't take back the words我也不能收回
I never said我从不曾说过的话
I never said我从不曾说
I can't take back the words我不能收回那些
I never said我从不曾说过的话
Never said我不曾说
I can't take back the words我不能收回
I never said我从不曾说过的话
有意的;任性的;故意的 willful [ˈwɪlfl] adj
She was a willful child. 她是个任性的孩子。
They tend to be frank and open but also self-centered and willful. 他们的性格坦诚、直率,但往往以自我
That willful child would not eat his supper. 那个任性的孩子不肯吃晚饭。
Willful people cannot tolerate the slightest frustration of their wishes. 任性的人不能容忍他们的愿望遭受
热情友好的;(环境)舒适的;有利的,适宜的 hospitable [ˈhɑːspɪtəbl,hɑːˈspɪtəbl] adj.
The locals are hospitable and welcoming 当地人热情好客。
The man is very hospitable; he keeps open house for his friends and fellow-workers. 那人十分好客,无
He was very hospitable to me when I came to New York. 我来到纽约时,他对我很热情周到。
Even in summer this place does not look exactly hospitable. 即使在夏天,这个地方看起来也不适合人居
不好客的,冷淡的;条件恶劣的;不适宜居住的 inhospitable [ˌɪnhɑːˈspɪtəbl] adj.
Serious illness doesn't bother me for long because I am too inhospitable a host. 严重的疾病都不会打扰
When the visitors come to our school, we should make them feel at home; otherwise they will think we
are inhospitable. 当访客来到我们学校时,应该让他们有宾至如归的感觉,否则他们会认为我们不好客
an inhospitable climate 不宜人的气候
inhospitable terrain 荒凉地带
That's probably the most bare, bleak, barren and inhospitable island I've ever seen. 那可能是我见过的最
(bare (土地) 光秃的; (树或树枝) 没有树叶的; bleak [bliːk] adj. 阴冷的;荒凉的,无遮蔽的;黯淡的,无
希望的;冷酷的;单调的;barren [ˈbærən] adj. 贫瘠的;不生育的;无益的;沉闷无趣的;空洞的