英语专四 会话训练 Conversation 5-2(在线收听


Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation.
W: (4) So where do you think we should go for dinner this anniversary? We were really enjoying ourselves last year. Why don’t we go to the same restaurant?
M: Well, I think we should go somewhere different this year.
W: Yes, but last year’s restaurant is really good. A new place might not be as successful.
M: I agree that it was a good restaurant. You know, it’s always nice to go somewhere new.
W: (5) I also think that we should choose a Chinese restaurant again—they are usually much bigger than Western restaurants and there are only a few people in the company who are not Chinese.
M: What you say about the size of the restaurant and the fact that most of our staff are Chinese is absolutely true. However,it will get a bit boring going back to the same restaurant each year.
W : I’m not saying we should go back there every year. We’ve only been there once before, so I don’t think you’ll be bored with it.
M: Mm, I know. Maybe we could try a new restaurant this year and go back there again next year.
W: Well, maybe you have a point. But next year...
M: (6) I know next year it’s up to you. You know what? I find a new French restaurant.
Conversation 5
Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions?
Now9 listen to the conversation.
4. What are the two speakers mainly discussing?
A. They are planning where to celebrate the anniversary.
B. They are arguing which restaurant is best.
C. They are talking about the best style of dinner.
D. They are longing to do something different.
5. Why does the woman want to go to the same restaurant?
A. It’s cheaper than others. B. It serves delicious food.
C. There are fewer people. D. It’s a roomy restaurant.
6. Where will they probably have dinner in a year to come?
A. A new French restaurant. B. A Chinese restaurant.
C. A Western restaurant. D. A Japanese restaurant.
Conversation 5
4.  A主旨题。虽然他们一直在争论到哪里去吃饭,但C项并非答案,争论的目的不是 为了探究最好的用餐风格。A项看似一笔带过,其实是原因所在。B属于只言片语 的干扰。D与对话无关,且二人观点不一致,可以排除。
5. D细节题。女士和男士争论时给出了两个理由:一是那家中餐厅比西餐厅大;二是 公司里中国员工居多。A、B两项对话中没有谈到,可以排除;C项看似正确,其实不 然,女士只是说公司里非中国人很少,而不是指饭店里人很少。因此只有选项D 正确。
6. B推断题。男士坚持今年去新开的法式餐厅聚餐,并以“明年你来决定”作为交换 条件。女士一直想去原来那家中国饭店,今年没有去成,明年很有可能会去。因此 答案为B。