英语专四 会话训练 Conversation 8-2(在线收听


Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation.
W: I want to register for this mathematics course.
M: I’m sorry that the registration has closed.
W: Closed? The clerk told me I could come back and register at any time during the first week of classes.
M: Well, (4) that’s not possible. The computer’s official student account has already been sent to the state. And that’s what our budget is based on. Who told you that anyway?
W: Some woman here when I tried to register three weeks ago.
M: C4) She must have been a temporary worker. They don’t have much training. Why didn’t you register then?
W: (5) She said I couldn’t until I had my birth certificate. Here it is.
M: Your birth certificate?
W: Well, I’m a new part-time student. So she asks for identification.
M: Huh. That’s no reason to demand a birth certificate. (4) I’m afraid she gave you the wrong information. Still you’ll have to wait and take your math’s class next semester.
W: But that’s not fair.
M: Well, (6) I sympathize with your problem,but frankly,I don't think there is anything anyone can do for you. You were trapped in the system. If you want to you can talk to the director. She will help you if she can.
W: Great.
M: But don't get your hopes up.
Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions,
Now,listen to the conversation.
4. What problem does the woman have?
A. She doesn’t want to pay the late fee.
B. She was given incorrect information 3 weeks ago.
C. She can not afford to pay her tuition.
D. She did not pass her mathematics class last semester.
5. Why does the woman have to go to the office two times?
A. The director could not give her an appointment right away.
B. The office was closed the first time she went.
C. The computers were out of service the first time she was there.
D. She did not have acceptable identification with her on her first visit.
6. What does the man imply when he tells the woman not to get her hopes up?
A. The director probably isn’t able to make an exception.
B. The director probably won’t see her.
C.  The director usually isn’t very helpful.
D.  The director is not responsible for taking care of part-time students.
Conversation 8
4. B细节归纳题。本题的回答在对话中多处都可以找到线索,例如,当女士说有一位 办事人员告诉她在上课第一周的任何时候都可以来登记时,男士直接回答“这是不 可能的”。在后面的对话中男士还说:“恐怕她给了你错误的信息。”这些都可以帮我 们找到正确的选项B项。
5.  D细节归纳题。这个问题正好对应的是对话中男士提出的问题:“Why didn’t you register then?”找到了这个问题的回答也就找到了题目适合的答案。原对话中女士 的解释是她被要求提供身份证明,而选项D项包含了这一内容,所以是正确的选项。
6. A态度推理题。尽管本句出现在对话的结尾,但是依然是有迹可寻的,并非要我们 完全凭空想象。我们从可以从男士前面的话找出他说这句话的原因,即他认为“尽 管我很同情你的遭遇,但是我不认为这儿有谁可以帮得上你。”从这句话来判断,我 们可以知道选项中正确的应该是A项。