美联社新闻一分钟 AP 佩洛西支持拜登竞选美总统(在线收听

This is AP News Minute.


The head of the World Health Organization urged countries to continue to find, isolate, test and treat all cases of COVID-19 as lockdowns across Europe started to ease with declining numbers of new cases. At a press conference on Monday the WHO said the "pandemic is far from over" and health officials continue to concerned about increasing trends in Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia countries.


Members of the West Virginia national guard are assembling newly designed masks in hopes of supplementing the supply of N-95 masks. The N-95 mask alternative, called the Shepherd mask, is named for Shepherd University, where it was designed.


House speaker Nancy Pelosi endorsed Joe Biden's presidential bid Monday, expanding the list of high-profile democrats who've coalesced around the former vice president. The Clifornia Democrat in video remarks, said Biden would be a“ voice of reason and resilience" amid coronavirus pandemic.

周一,美国众议院议长佩洛西表态支持拜登(Joe Biden)竞选总统,至此支持这位前副总统的知名民主党人又增加了一位。这位加州民主党人在视频讲话中表示,“拜登是理性和坚韧的人,能将我们解救出这场新冠病毒危机”。

An Arlington, Virginia community came together to give a six-year-old boy a special birthday. With the help of social media...police cruisers joined dozens of families in a birthday parade..flashing lights honking horns and raised signs wishing Jessiah Lee a happy birthday.

