福克斯新闻 白宫攻击共和党州长导致医改费用增加(在线收听

Just two days after the Obama Administration announced that healthcare premiums under ObamaCare will increase an average of 25 percent for 2017, White House spokesman Josh Earnest blamed Republican governors for the price increase by not expanding Medicaid:

奥巴马政府宣布2017年医改的保险费用将平均增加25%,两天之后,白宫发言人欧内斯特(Josh Earnest)指责保险费的增加是由于共和党州长没有扩大公共医疗补助。

(Earnest) “In some states, Republican politicians have been reasonably successful in sabotaging the effective implementation of the Affordable Care Act.”


Earnest pointed out that the vast majority of ObamaCare enrollees receive financial assistance to shield them from the effect of insurance premium increases.


At the White House, Jon Decker, FOX News.

白宫,Jon Decker,福克斯新闻。
