福克斯新闻 达科他输油管道抗议活动继续(在线收听

Hundreds of those protesters cheered the decision by the Army Corps of Engineers not to allow the extension of the Dakota Access Oil Pipeline beneath a Missouri River reservoir.

They were given a deadline of today to leave the area, but authorities say they won’t forcibly remove them. The weather may do that for them, temperatures are supposed to drop this week.

Dallas-based Energy Transfer Partners, the company that’s building the pipeline, calls the decision politically motivated, and accused President Obama’s administration of putting it off until he leaves office.

President-elect Donald Trump, a pipeline supporter, takes office in January, but it’s not clear what steps he’d be able to take to reverse the decision or how quickly it could happen.

Tonya J. Powers, FOX News.





Tonya J. Powers,福克斯新闻。
