英语新闻听写 研究发现喝啤酒使人更善于交际(在线收听

According to a new study, drinking beer does make you friendlier, happier and less inhibited.


The study's lead researcher, Matthias Liechti, who is the head of psychopharmacology research at University Hospital in Basel, Switzerland, says,

这项研究的首席研究员,瑞士巴塞尔大学医院的精神药理学主管Matthias Liechti说,

We found that drinking a glass of beer helps people see happy faces faster, and enhances concern for positive emotional situations.


Researchers came to their conclusion after studying two groups of 30 men and 30 women.


Before and after alcohol consumption, both groups performed various tasks, including facial recognition as well as tests of their empathy and even sexual arousal.

