2020年经济学人 一周要闻 各国逐渐"解封" 福奇警告不要仓促复工 英首相宣布放松封锁(在线收听

The world this week




Boris Johnson, Britain's prime minister, set out a path for easing lockdown in England. His message has changed from "stay at home" to "stay alert". Restrictions will be eased in phases, depending on how quickly infections fall. Those who can't work from home are urged to return cautiously to theirjobs. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales published their own advice.


France lifted many lockdown restrictions. Primary schools and nurseries have reopened. Most people are allowed to go back to work, with social distancing. Even hairdressers are operating again, but with compulsory masks and no coffee to chat over.


New York state also took tentative steps towards reopening; three of its regions have met seven criteria, such as a 14-day decline in hospital admissions from COVID. In Wisconsin the state Supreme Court ruled against the Democratic governor and overturned an extension to his stay-at home order.


Anthony Fauci, an expert on infectious diseases who is advising the White House, told the Senate (via a video link) that rushing to end lockdowns before the pandemic has ended would result in more “suffering and death" and do more economic harm in the long run.

为白宫提供咨询的传染病专家安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)通过视频告诉参议院,在大流行结束之前匆忙结束封锁将导致更多的“痛苦和死亡”,并造成更多的长期经济损失。

The governor of California, Gavin Newsom, said that ballot papers for November's elections would be posted to all homes. Far fewer polling stations will open than normal.

加州州长加文·纽森(Gavin Newsom)表示,将把11月选举的选票邮寄给所有选民。开放的投票站将比平时少得多。

William Barr, America's attorney-general, astounded Washington by dropping the criminal case against Michael Flynn, Donald Trump's first national security adviser, who had pleaded guilty to misleading the Mueller inquiry.

美国总检察长威廉·巴尔(William Barr)撤销了对特朗普的首位国家安全顾问迈克尔·弗林(Michael Flynn)的刑事指控,此举令华盛顿感到震惊。弗林承认误导了穆勒的调查。

Two advisers to Juan Guaidó, who is recognised by scores of democracies as Venezuela's interim president, resigned after a failed attempt to topple the regime of Nicolás Maduro. One of them, Juan Rendón, a Miami-based member of the Venezuelan opposition, admitted negotiating a preliminary agreement with the American security firm behind the botched raid, but says he backed away from the plan.

胡安·瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)被许多民主国家认可为委内瑞拉临时总统,他的两名顾问在试图推翻尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)政权失败后辞职。其中一名是驻迈阿密的委内瑞拉反对派成员胡安·伦登(Juan Rendon),他承认,在这起拙劣的军事政变中与这家美国安保公司达成了一项初步协议,但他表示放弃了这一计划。

Moisés Escamilla May, a leader of Los Zetas, a Mexican drug gang, died in prison of COVID-19. He was serving a 37-year sentence for crimes, including beheading 12 people in Yucatán. Mr Escamilla supplied cocaine to Cancún.

墨西哥贩毒团伙“洛斯齐塔斯”的头目莫伊塞斯·埃斯卡米拉·梅(Moises Escamilla May)死于新冠肺炎。他被判37年监禁,罪名包括在尤卡坦半岛斩首12人。埃斯卡米拉向坎昆供应可卡因。

Avianca, Colombia's main airline, filed for bankruptcy protection in New York. Founded in 1919, it claims to be the world's second-oldest continuously operating airline. Its boss blamed COVID-19.

