英语新闻听写 美国服饰面临破产 大量裁员(在线收听

According to sources familiar with the matter, American Apparel started to lay off staff on Monday this week after Canada's Gildan Activewear withdrew an initial plan to purchase some of the bankrupt fashion retailer's manufacturing operations.

根据可靠消息,美国服饰(American Apparel)本周一开始了裁员,因为加拿大吉尔丹撤回了收购破产零售商制造品的计划。

Just last week, Gildan won the rights to American Apparel's brand with an $88 million bid. According to sources, many of the over 2,100 employees at the company's headquarters in Los Angeles and nearly 1,000 employees at a manufacturing facility now stand to lose their jobs. In November 2016, American Apparel filed for a second time for bankruptcy protection with about $177 million in debt after the failure of a comeback plan.

