英语新闻听写 伊万卡·特朗普商标在中国大受追捧(在线收听

Things might not be looking good for Ivanka Trump's label stateside with major retailers like Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus dropping her products, but in China companies are still "working to capitalize on the First Daughter's fame with Ivanka Trump products patented in that country."

伊万卡·特朗普的品牌在美国国内形势不太乐观,因为诸如诺德斯特姆(Nordstrom)和内曼·马库斯(Neiman Marcus)这样的主要零售商都已经抵制了她的产品,不过在中国,“很多公司都在以伊万卡·特朗普注册商标获得产品专利,打算好好利用第一女儿的名声。”

In China, the "all press is good press" saying seems to ring true as Chinese businesses "race to trademark Ivanka Trump's name." At least 65 applications have been submitted in China to trademark the name "Ivanka" for Chinese products ranging from weight loss supplements to sanitary napkins.

