福克斯新闻 马纳福特提议就俄罗斯干预选举事件作证(在线收听

Paul Manafort, who managed the President’s campaign for six months in 2016, has offered to go before the House Intelligence Committee to answer questions related to the Russia investigation.

2016年,保罗·马纳福特(Paul Manafort)曾管理特朗普竞选团队六个月的时间。他提出前往众议员情报委员会回答与俄罗斯调查有关的问题。

Republican chairman Devin Nunes says they’re working out whether Manafort’s testimony will take place in public or behind closed doors:

共和党主席德文·努尼斯(Devin Nunes)表示,他们正在努力查明马纳福特应该在公开作证还是闭门作证:

(Nunes) “Our lawyers, Republicans and Democrats will work with his lawyers to see what exactly he wants to do.”


Nunes also canceled a public hearing next week, which upset Ranking Democrat Adam Schiff, who said Republicans are trying to keep Americans in the dark about the investigation.

努尼斯还取消了下周的公开听证会,这导致资深民主党人亚当·希夫(Adam Schiff)非常失望。他说,关于这起调查,共和党人试图把美国人蒙在鼓里。

In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News.

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