英语听力:自然百科 冰冻星球 前往地球尽头(23)(在线收听

"End of the roll!"




"I've got it coming out, I just didn't get them back in!"


Below the sea ice, the dive team is setting up an underwater studio, using a range of water-proof lights and time-lapse cameras, they hope to capture the growth of bizarre underwater ice-formations.


Over the coming weeks, the dive team would go below the ice over 100 times to film the extraordinary secret world on the lower flanks of mountain Erebus.


On top of the ice, the Orca team has re-positioned. Their new goal is to get underwater shots of the whales. They don't dare to get in the water with ocker, attaching a camera to a pole is a safer option, provided the whales aren't put off by it.No one was prepared for what happened next. The entire pod arrives.


Eyeball to eyeball, this is about as close to kill a whale as it's possible to get. By using multiple crews and cameras, the frozen planet team would be able to capture the full Erebus story. From the fire at its crater down to the whales that patrol its frozen shores.


“It's quite a privileged to feel a whale breathe on your face.”

