英语听力:自然百科 穿越银河系的旅行(1)(在线收听

We live amongst 200 billion stars, in the Milky Way galaxy, a vast cosmic city. The earth is located in a quiet neighborhood, in a safe neck of the woods. But what if we could take our planets on a journey through the galaxy? What wonders would be see? What displays of power? What unimaginable forces? What exquisite beauty? What if we could travel through time and space to understand how our galaxy came to be and how it would end? What if we could travel on the ultimate cosmic trip and journey through the Milky Way?


Many of us live in large cities, cities which dazzle with millions of lights. But at night, those bright lights conceal something truly amazing. Turn them all off and we are greeted with the spectacular sight---a city in the sky.


“What is this? Well, it's the Milky Way. This is our galaxy. Well, if you like, you could think of the galaxy is a, a city of stars.”


Our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains 200 billion stars, of which our sun is just one. It's a vast cosmic city waiting for us to explore.

