福克斯新闻 废除奥巴马医改投票失败(在线收听

That repeal now, replace later, amendment was backed by Kentucky Republican Rand Paul. It would have set up a two-year window for a replacement, as you heard, it failed 45-55, needing a simple majority to pass.

肯塔基州共和党人兰德·保罗(Rand Paul)支持现在废除奥巴马医改的改革。原本应该留出两年的时间来取代平价医改,然而投票时以45:55的票数失败,因为投票需要简单的大多数来通过。

Several Republican Senators joining every Democrat in opposition. It still means that Republicans are looking for consensus for a replacement for a health care overhaul. There is now talk among Republicans of what's being called a "Skinny Repeal" that would scrap part of the health care laws individual and employer mandates, repealing the tax on some medical equipment as well.


On Capitol Hill, Jared Halpern, FOX News.

Jared Halpern在国会山为您报道福克斯新闻。
