澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚移民部长表示如果接收难民失业率再创新低(在线收听

One man has drowned and another is recovering in hospital after crocodiles attacked a small fishing boat in the Northern Territory.

The pair were hauling in crab pots, when a croc charged and capsized their three meter tinny.

One of the fishermen drowned under the boat, but a 72 year old man survived after fending off the crocodiles for three hours, by throwing spanners and spark plugs at them.

Police are investigating after a suspicious fire destroyed a mosque near Geelong.

Firefighters were called to the mosque in Manifold Heights just after 2 o'clock this morning to find the bluestone building well alight.

An 18-year old man will front court today charged with plotting a lone terrorist attack in Sydney.

Police say Tamim Khaja, who was arrested yesterday morning, was looking at possible sites around Sydney and was making arrangements to get a firearm.

He's also charged with trying to fly to Syria to fight for Islamic State.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, says unemployment would rise if Australia increased its humanitarian intake of refugees.

In an interview with Sky News, Mr Dutton critcised the Greens proposal to increase the refugee intake to 50,000.

澳大利亚北领地 的鳄鱼袭击了一艘小渔船后,一名男子溺水身亡,而另一人正在医院恢复。









