澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚房价面临下跌风险 或产生更广影响(在线收听

A major credit ratings agency has warned of a pending fall in house prices that could hurt Australian banks and the wider economy.

Moody's says Australian banks face risks from rising home prices and increasing household debt and that our major banks could be vulnerable if home prices were to fall quickly.

However, it also adds that strong employment and low interest rates are helping to lower the risks from a sharp drop in home prices.

The advocacy group Oxfam claims multinational tax avoidance is costing the Australian budget 6b in lost revenue each year.

The group says it's modelled data from the international monetary fund and believes it's only a conservative estimate.

The government recently announced it would give more resources to the tax office to investigate profit shifting and impose heavier penalties on companies caught engaging in tax avoidance.

But Oxfam is calling for even tougher legislation to improve transparency.







