澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚大选前同性婚姻成焦点 卡梅伦呼吁英国勿背弃欧洲(在线收听

Just three days out from the election and the same sex marriage debate has again taken centre stage. Two senior government ministers have refused to declare how they would vote in parliament if a plebiscite was carried. Treasurer Scott Morrison would not reveal how he would vote, when questioned on 7:30 last night. And on Lateline the Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop said her vote would depend on the outcome of the plebiscite.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron has insisted the British people must not turn their backs on Europe as he wraps up meetings with 27 leaders in Brussels. It's the first time they've all met since the shock Brexit result, and there's still no timeline on triggering article 50 — which begins the formal path to an exit. Earlier the European Parliament saw angry exchanges as UK Independence Party leader Nigel Farage was jeered with members yelling "Why are are you here".

A man has had his arm severed by a train after falling on to tracks in Sydney's south west. It took emergency services more than an hour to free the 41-year-old after he was hit by the train at Warwick Farm station just before 11 o'clock. He was taken to Liverpool hospital for further treatment.

Police are investigating the suspected fire bombing of a car outside an islamic college in Perth overnight. A four wheel drive was destroyed and anti-islam graffiti sprayed outside the Australian Islamic College in Perth's eastern suburb of Thornlie.




