澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 国际奥委会决定不全面禁止俄罗斯参加里约奥运会(在线收听

The prime minister Malcolm Turnbull says the government's pushing for stronger anti-terrorist laws because it needs to adapt to a growing terrorism threat. The government has asked state and territory leaders to introduce new laws which would permit some convicted terrorists to be held in jail after they've finished their sentences.

The World Anti-Doping Agency says it's disappointed with the International Olympic Committee's decision not to ban all Russian athletes from next month's Rio Games. WADA had recommended the IOC issue a blanket ban after finding evidence of a widespread state-run doping program in Russia.

Evidence of children being held in solitary confinement, assaulted, strapped to chairs and tear gassed while in Youth Detention in the Northern Territory will be revealed on Four Corners tonight. The vision shows prison guards repeatedly spraying tear gas into the confined area as CCTV records the children's reaction.

And the boss of Woolworths says 30 stores will close during the current financial year including 17 supermarkets and four metro stores in Australia. Another 500 jobs will go as Woolworths overhauls its back office and supply chain operations.



今晚的《Four Corners》节目将揭露澳大利亚北领地青年拘役所对孩子实行单独监禁、殴打、将他们绑在椅子上并用催泪弹攻击的证据。影像显示,监狱警卫不断向禁闭区喷洒催泪瓦斯,而监控镜头记录下了被监禁孩子的反应。

