澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 欧洲奥委会主席涉嫌非法倒卖奥运门票被捕(在线收听

Vietnamese authorities have agreed to allow restricted access to the Long Tan site after tense negotiations with the Australian government overnight. But veterans and officials will not be allowed to wear medals or uniforms, they won’t be able to carry banners or make speeches. Late yesterday the Vietnamese government cancelled a ceremony to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1966 battle. The last-minute decision outraged Australian veterans, more than a thousand of whom travelled to Vietnam for the service. Back in Australia, the names of 521 Australian who died in the Vietnam war are being read out in an early morning service in Canberra.

The president of the European Olympic Committee, Patrick Hickey, has been arrested at his hotel in Rio over the suspected illegal sale of tickets for the games. Brazilian authorities say there's evidence he is part of a scheme to sell tickets at inflated prices. The IOC says Mr Hickey was taken to hospital after his arrest, he’s now stood down from his positions.

A judge in Brazil has ordered US swimmers Ryan Lochte and James Feigen not to leave the country after police queried their evidence in a robbery case. Police say the swimmer's account of being robbed at gunpoint does not square with CCTV recordings. Posts on Lochte's twitter account suggest he may have already left Brazil.

Police are investigating after a man died in a house fire in Melbourne's south east. An elderly man and woman were rescued from a fire in their Noble Park home, but the man died a short time later. The woman was taken to hospital with injuries that are not life-threatening.




