澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚工党反对同性婚姻公投 美众院议长放弃为特朗普助选(在线收听

Labor looks set to kill off the marriage plebiscite today — with a meeting in Canberra this morning to formalise the party's position against the public vote. But there still might be room to compromise on the matter — after education minister Simon Birmingham last night said the coalition might be willing to remove public funding for the yes and no campaigns, if Labor requests it.

New South Wales premier Mike Baird is expected to announce his government will reverse his highly contentious ban on greyhound racing. State cabinet will meet this morning, where it's likely they'll approve the policy back down.

Republican speaker of the House Paul Ryan has dealt a major blow to Donald Trump's presidential candidacy — saying he will no longer defend Mr Trump. The most senior elected US Republican also urged his party members to focus on their own re-election campaigns, but stopped short of rescinding his endorsement of Mr Trump.

Indonesian police say an Australian man on drugs charges in Bali has told them he used hashish after being diagnosed with cancer. 48-year-old Australian, Giuseppe Serafino, was arrested on the weekend, along with a 54 year old British man. Police say they'll seek a charge carrying a maximum 20 year sentence.

And in Melbourne — a man is in hospital with serious injuries, after a tree branch fell on his house. Emergency services were called to the site in Narre Warren just before one am, after the branch, from a large gum tree, fell onto the roof above his bedroom. The ceiling collapsed and the man was hit by falling roof tiles.





