澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 日本福岛地震并发布海啸预警 特朗普誓言上任首日退出TPP(在线收听

The top stories this hour.


Two people have been killed after a rare storm sparked hundreds of asthma attacks across Melbourne. Thousands of people were rushed to hospital, where emergency departments were pushed to breaking point. The phenomenon, known as thunderstorm asthma, happens when gusty winds coincide with extreme pollen counts.


The government has thrown its support behind a proposal to reduce the amount of water being returned to the environment under the Murray Darling Basin Plan. The Murray Darling authority wants to reduce its water recovery target by almost 20 per cent. It's received a lot of opposition including from the South Australian premier who has vowed to fight against the proposal.


Japan has lifted a tsunami warning after a powerful earthquake struck the country's east coast. The magnitude six point nine quake struck near Fukushima forcing thousands of people to higher ground. A series of small waves hit the coastline, but remarkably there was little damage.


Us president-elect Donald Trump has vowed to pull out of the world's largest trade deal on his first day in office. The incoming leader has released a video on his facebook page outlining his key policy platforms ahead of his inauguration. The TPP is the largest trade pact in world history involving 12 countries across the Asia Pacific region including Australia.

