澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 奥巴马举行任内最后一场记者会 2016年是史上最热年(在线收听

Today's top stories.


The New South Wales premier remains tight lipped about who he wants to replace him after announcing his sudden resignation from politics today. Mr Baird says he's proud of his record; he wants to spend more time with family. State Treasurer Gladys Berejiklian has confirmed she'll nominate for the job when the Liberal party votes next week.


US president Barack Obama has used his last press conference to defend his decision to commute the sentence of Chelsea Manning. The former army intelligence analyst was jailed for leaking classified documents to Wikileaks. The outgoing president also reflected on crises in the Middle East and issued a warning to his successor against lifting sanctions on Russia.


The government's been warned it must do more to ensure it's prepared for deteriorating weather conditions after data declared 2016 the hottest year in recorded history. Nasa and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says average global temperatures were 1.1 degrees hotter than pre-industrial times. It's the third year in a row the planet has set a temperature record.


And Vegemite is set to return to Australian ownership with Bega Cheese announcing it's bought the rights for the iconic brand from US food giant Mondelez. The $460 million deal includes the rights to produce the spread and other grocery products. It includes the Port Melbourne factory where Vegemite is made.

