澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 朝鲜突射导弹遭美日谴责 澳环保组织呼吁禁用一次性塑料袋(在线收听

The top stories from ABC News.


North Korea has fired a ballistic missile into the sea of Japan as it continues to ramp up its nuclear program. Japan and the United States have condemened the tests saying they wouldn't be tolerated. Japan's prime minister Shinzo Abe called the launch "absolutely unacceptable" and urged North Korea to comply with UN Security Council resolutions. It's the first missile test since Donald Trump took office, he says the US stands by Japan 100 per cent.


Liberal sources have confirmed to the ABC that the party will direct preferences to One Nation in the upcoming West Australian state election. The deal involves the Liberals preferencing Pauline Hanson's party ahead of The Nationals in the upper house in regional areas. In return, the Liberal party will demand One Nation preference it ahead of Labor in all lower house seats it is contesting.


Cleanup Australia is calling for a ban of single use plastic shopping bags. The move comes after the Taronga Wildlife Hospital revealed dozens of critically endangered turtles are ingesting plastic in Sydney harbour each year. The act, South Australia, the Northern Territory and Tasmania have banned plastic bags and Queensland will do so next year.


And Melbourne City has made it back to back W-League titles after beating Perth Glory 2-nil in the grand final.


And those are the lastest headlines from ABC News.

