《查莉成长日记》精讲 06(在线收听

Hi. Hi.

嗨 嗨

Oh, yeah, I like your taste in strollers.

噢 你选得婴儿车不错 我喜欢你的品位

Thanks, you too.

谢谢 你也是

That baby's so cute. You too.

那个宝宝好可爱啊 你也是

Oh, I mean yours too.

噢 我是说你的宝宝也是

I'm Emma. I'm PJ

我叫Emma 我叫PJ

Who's this little guy? My brother.

这个小宝宝是谁 我弟弟

We're just out for our stroll. We do this every day.

我们就是出来散散步 每天都这样

Us too. Like I always say, babies love parks.

我们也是 正如我经常说的 宝宝们喜欢公园

Would you like to sit for a bit? Sure.

想一起坐会吗 好啊

So I saw you talking to Captain Stretchy earlier.


Oh, yeah, he was lost.

噢 是啊 他迷路了

Not much of a superhero, right? Oh, he's the worst.

他可不怎么像超级英雄 是吧 噢 他逊透了

We hired him for my brother's birthday party


and he sat on the cake. That sounds awful.

结果他一屁股坐到蛋糕上了 听起来很悲剧啊

Oh, it gets worse.

噢 这还不是最悲剧的

The candles was lit, so he sat in the punch

蜡烛已经点上了 所以他坐进烛台里去了

That's so weird.


I mean he looks like such a quality entertainer.


You know, PJ, I'm really impressed that

知道吗 PJ 我真的很佩服

you take your baby sister to the park.


My brothers would never do anything like that.


I hope not. She is my sister.

希望他们别来 她是我的妹妹啊
