英国新闻听力 纽约时尚(在线收听



collective [kE5lektiv] n. 集体

obsess [Eb5ses] vt. 迷住,使困扰

hip [hip] adj. 熟悉内情的

tangible [5tAndVEbl] adj. 切实的

vodka [5vCdkE] n. 伏特加酒

paradox [5pArEdCks] n. 似非而是的论点,自相矛盾的话

consumerism [kEn5sju:mErIz(E)m] n. 用户至上主义,商品的消费和销售性服务


New York Trends

Well, I think there is another trend that's in connection with the whole idea of the real truth and connecting with other people. So we have got a number of collectives or groups of co-operatives where people come together barter and trade goods and services. So it's actually less about the money and the exchange of financial worth to consume something. It's more about having something and wanting to share it with somebody else. And I think that again goes back to your point about excess and people not wanting to waste so if I have something spare that I don't need, I will trade it with somebody else.

So this isn't quite the values of 1960s San Francisco hippidom in terms of the communes. This is more a consumerist obsessed society where people are trying to find ways of getting rid of …I mean it's recycling in a way, isn't it? That's what I'm trying to get at.

Yeah, definitely, in fact in parks in Brooklyn where I live there is a Parks X Co-op and while that's been around for 20, 30 years, it's become increasingly popular in the last year with a lot of trendy, hip, urban, eco conscious consumers who…you know I just finding alternative ways to consume or to share what they actually have. The really interesting thing is where is brings people together in tangible ways. So I know downtown on the Lower East Side there have been lots of different events, eco conscious events where you've got 'style meets scene'. So you've got cool fashion designers, DJs, media execs, etc, coming together drinking organic wines or vodka etc., like having a fun time but talking about, I think, big issues such as a friendly better environment.

So, this is in a way the concept of eco luxury which is a kind of paradox but at the same time it's a way of getting people involved or getting people interested.

True, I mean whereas the free cycle freedom movement is not necessarily about money and consumerism, there's also, I think a counter trend to that where you can buy something but you consume in a way that is really eco conscious. So people are buying high end stylish goods and they don't want to compromise on that style element and they're just choosing to spend their dollars in a certain direction which is this kind of high end, eco luxury area.






