
The Untold Story of Freddie Mercury


Rare photos and intimate memories reveal the rock icon's private side as Bohemian Rhapsody heads to the Oscars


The man who would become Freddie Mercury seemed depressed as he sat in a London pub one day in the late '60s.

60年代末的一天,弗雷迪·墨丘利(Freddie Mercury)坐在伦敦一家酒吧里,看上去很沮丧。

"I'm not going to be a pop star," he sighed glumly, as classmate Chris Smith would later recall.


Then a smile spread across his face as he rose to his feet and threw his arms out in a heroic pose that would become familiar to millions of fans: "I'm going to be a legend!"


It was a laughable notion for an art student barely into his 20s. But then it happened. As the frontman of Queen, Mercury was a rock superhero by age 29.


His powerful baritone provided operatic grandeur to hits like "We Are the Champions," "Somebody to Love," and the epic "Bohemian Rhapsody."


In concert he could enthrall thousands; now, 27 years after Mercury died of complications of AIDS at age 45, his allure can still draw a crowd.


Bohemian Rhapsody, the Oscar-nominated film starring Rami Malek as Mercury, is the highest-grossing biopic in history, introducing new generations to Queen's music and the complex life of the shy immigrant who became rock's ultimate showman.

奥斯卡提名影片《波西米亚狂想曲》(Bohemian Rhapsody)由拉米·马雷克(Rami Malek)饰演墨丘利(Mercury),是历史上票房最高的传记片,它向新一代观众介绍了皇后乐队的音乐,以及这位腼腆移民成为摇滚界终极表演家的复杂生活。

"Queen are even bigger than when they originally put the records out, and Freddie would love it," BBC broadcaster Paul Gambaccini, a longtime friend, says.

英国广播公司(BBC)的播音员保罗·甘巴奇尼(Paul Gambaccini)是皇后乐队的老朋友,他说,“皇后乐队甚至比他们最初推出唱片时还要出名,弗雷迪会喜欢的。”

"He would just flip his hand and say, 'It's fabulous, darling!' "Mercury was born Farrokh Bulsara in 1946 in Zanzibar off the African coast.


While his family, Persian-descended Parsees, practiced the ancient Zoroas-trian faith, young Farrokh was a devout follower of Western culture, devouring pop records and fashion magazines.


Mercury characterized himself as "a precocious child," and at the age of 8 he was sent to boarding school in India. "It was an upheaval of an upbringing," he later said of his childhood.


It was there that he formed his first band, the Hectics, and adopted the name "Freddie."


When his family migrated to London in 1964, Mercury threw himself into the Swinging '60s scene, enrolling at art college and singing with several local bands.


But he had his eye on a trio called Smile, which included guitarist Brian May and drummer Roger Taylor.

但他看中了一个名为Smile的三人组,其中包括吉他手布莱恩·梅(Brian May)和鼓手罗杰·泰勒(Roger Taylor)。

He offered unsolicited suggestions to the band, shouting, "If I was your singer, I'd show you how it was done!" during their shows.


When their vocalist quit in 1970, he got his chance. With the addition of bassist John Deacon the following year, they dubbed themselves Queen—Mercury's idea.


"The whole point was to be pompous and provocative, to prompt speculation and controversy," he told People in 1977.

