美联社新闻一分钟 AP NEWS 2007-12-06(在线收听

1. A lawyer for detainees at Guantanamo Bay says the issue of whether they have the legal right to hearings in civilian courts is a fundamental test of the American justice system. At least two justices questioned whether detainees had any right to a hearing. Another justice suggested the matter should go back to a law court.

2. At least seven people have died in the severe weather that struck the Northwest. Residents are waiting for high water to recede, so they can return to their homes.

3. The Catholic Archdiocese of New York has put out a comic book to teach kids about the dangers of sexual predators. Critics say it doesn't explain the problem well enough.

4.Surveillance video captures a man angrily boarding a school bus in Florida. Witnesses say the man was upset because several children on the bus threw crayons at his car. Students say the man had a gun.
