澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 埃及接连发生两起爆炸 美国航母战斗群驶向朝鲜半岛(在线收听

The top stories from ABC News.


At least 31 people are feared dead after two separate bomb blasts in Egypt. The first killed at least 21 worshippers marking Palm Sunday at a Coptic church in Tanta, north of Cairo. A second has been reported near a church in northern Egypt. It's one of the holiest days in the Christian Calendar marking the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem.


A group of US warships has postponed an expected visit to Australia and is now heading towards North Korea in response to a recent missile test. The show of military force comes after the United States launched a missile strike against Syria in retaliation for a chemical weapons attack.


Authorities say several reefs around Queensland's Whitsunday islands have been destroyed or very badly damaged by cyclone Debbie. It's still unclear how much of the reef has been affected and how long it will take for the coral network to recover.


And the future of the Western Force hangs in the balance after the announcement that three sides will be cut from the Super Rugby Competition. The sports' governing body, SANZAR, says one Australian and two South African teams will be axed at the end of the season.

