澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 朝鲜试射新导弹挑衅韩国新总统 全球遭勒索软件攻击(在线收听

The top stories from ABC News.


The new president of South Korea has held emergency talks after yet another ballistic missile test by North Korea. Moon Jae-In has described the event as a grave threat to regional security. Experts say the missile fired this weekend went considerably further than others and had the potential to reach Hawaii. It indicates the rogue state has made progress since its last test in February.


An international investigation has been launched into the cyber-extortion attack against computer systems around the world. The pace of the ransomware attack has slowed since a computer researcher accidentally stopped its spread. But technicians are still scrambling to unlock tens of thousands of computers infected by the virus. Which has closed down factories, hospitals, transport and communications systems in nearly 100 countries.


In Canberra, a Senate deadlock is emerging on the tax increase at the centre of last week's budget. Scott Morrison has ruled out any negotiation on his 8-billion dollar across-the-board rise in the Medicare levy but Labor and the Greens say they'll never support the tax hike in its current form.


And France's new president Emmanuel Macron has formally taken power in a special ceremony in Paris. A week after his victory over the National Front's Marine Le Pen, Mr Macron took the oath of office at the Elysee Palace.

