澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 泰国籍男子被悉尼警方击毙 澳大利亚板球陷劳资纠纷(在线收听

Hello, Jason Om with the latest headines from ABC News.


The foster brother of a murdered Queensland schoolgirl has been jailed for three months for lying to police. Tiahleigh Palmer was reported missing two weeks before her body was found by a riverbank. Today Joshua Thornburn pleaded guilty to perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice.


Accused drug smuggler Cassandra Sainsbury's Colombian court hearing has been suspended after the judge deferred his decision on a plea deal. The 22-year-old Adelaide woman has been in jail since April after being found with more than five kilograms of cocaine.


The brother of a man shot dead by police at Sydney's central station has hit out at the officers involved, saying they did not need to fire at his sibling. Danukul Mokmool threatened a florist during rush hour before grabbing a pair of scissors and charging at police. An officer opened fire and the Thai national was pronounced dead at the scene.

一名男子在悉尼中央车站被警方击毙,该男子的哥哥抨击涉事警察,称他们没必要向他弟弟开枪。晚高峰期间,Danukul Mokmool威胁一名花商,随后拿着剪刀冲向警方。一名警察向他开枪,泰国籍男子Danukul Mokmool当场死亡。

And Cricket bosses have upped the ante in the long-running pay dispute with players. Cricket Australia has been at an impasse with the players' union and says the dispute should go to arbitration if a deal isn't struck in the next few days.


Those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

