澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 双重国籍问题席卷澳洲政坛 朝鲜宣称特朗普已向朝鲜宣战(在线收听

Hello, Jason Om with the top stories on ABC News.


The Commonwealth will argue that One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts and former Greens senator Scott Ludlam were wrongly elected to parliament at the last election. Submissions filed on behalf of the Attorney-General argue the other five politicians including deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce, should not be ousted from parliament.


North Korea has accused US president Donald Trump of declaring war on the communist country. North korea's foreign minister says Pyongyang has the right to shoot down US bombers even if warplanes are not in its airspace. The White House has dismissed the threat as "absurd" and warned Pyongyang to stop provocations.


Former Channel 9 reporter Ben McCormack could face up to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to child pornography charges in a Sydney court. Mccormack exchanged dozens of explicit messages with a 27 year old man via Skype between April 2015 and February 2017. New South Wales detectives started investigating McCormack after a tip-off from the Joint Anti Child Exploitation Team.


And more than 60 sea ice experts have gathered in Hobart to look at improving forecasting and navigation in the Arctic and Antarctic seas. New data shows sea ice expansion in Antarctica this year was the lowest on record.


Those are the latest headlines from ABC News.

