《查莉成长日记》精讲 88(在线收听

Honey, this was such a great idea...

老公 这绝对是个好主意

Getting up early so we can have some quiet time together.

早起点 这样我们就可以独享我们的二人世界了

You're a jerk! -You're an idiot!

你这个小混蛋 -你这个大白痴

All right, tomorrow we get up just a little bit earlier.

好吧 明早我们稍微再起早点

Okay, what's going on, guys?

好了 你们又发什么疯呢

I can't take it anymore! He snorts like a pig.

我受不了了 他哼起来就像只猪

Oink oink oink!

哼 哼 哼

Oh yeah? Well, you scream in your sleep.

是吗 你晚上睡觉还会尖叫嘞

All right, enough!

好了 够了

We've got to have our own rooms.


Guys, we've been over this.

孩子们 我们不谈过这件事了吗

The house just isn't big enough. -Or is it?

我们的房子没那么多地 -未必

I made a diagram, see? New sleeping arrangements.

我画了张图表 看 最新就寝规划图

Mom and dad go here. P.J. Takes this room.

老爸老妈睡这 PJ睡这间

Teddy takes this one and I get this one.

泰迪这间 我这间

Everybody's happy. -What about charlie?

多完美 -查莉睡哪

Oh, I forgot to mention

噢 我忘了说了

In this plan...


Charlie lives with grandma.


Gabe, would you just be patient?

盖比 你能再忍忍吗

You're gonna get your own room in a couple of years


When P.J. Goes off to coll...


Well, wherever it is that P.J. goes off to.

那个 不论PJ上什么
