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The top stories on ABC News.


The prime minister is putting tax cuts on the table for middle income earners in next year's federal budget. Malcolm Turnbull says Australians earning less than eighty seven thousand dollars a year could be given tax break nexy year. But Labor says the coalition is trying to distract voters after cancelling next week's sitting of the lower house.


Zimbabwe's former vice president has urged Robert Mugabe to resign from the top job immediately. Emmerson Mnangagwa's sacking sparked last week's army takeover in the country. Mnangagwa says he fled two weeks ago when he learned of a plot to kill him. The ruling party is expected to begin impeachment proceedings against Mr Mugabe in parliament later tonight.


A teenage boy has been charged with defacing a controversial mural of the late singer George Michael in Sydney's Inner West. Other public artworks were also vandalised with those responsible believed to be against the result of the same sex marriage vote.


And in cricket, Australian opening batsman David Warner says a neck strain won't keep him out of this week's first Ashes test at the Gabba. The vice-captain suffered a neck twinge while fielding at training this morning but hopes to be batting in the nets tomorrow.


And that is the latest from ABC News.

