澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 澳大利亚通过同性婚姻合法化法案 特朗普承认耶路撒冷为以色列首都(在线收听

Hello, Neena Mairata with the latest headlines from ABC News.


Federal parliament has voted to legalise same-sex marriage. The bill has passed the House of Representatives, after going through the Senate last week. The bill will now go to the Governor-General for royal assent.


There are fears of renewed violence in coming days following president Donald Trump's decision to name Jerusalem the capital of Israel. World leaders have widely condemned the move while in Gaza Palestinians expressed their fury at Mr Trump and Israel.


The Royal Commission into Child Sexual Abuse has found powerful paedophiles in the Anglican diocese of Newcastle were operating under weak church leadership. The commission lo?oked at alleged child abuse, bullying and cover ups within the diocese. The report found bishops Alfred Holland and Roger Herft showed a distinct lack of leadership and alleged perpetrators were not called to account.


And for the third year running more than one in three of Australia's biggest companies are not paying any tax. Figures released today by the Tax Office show there were 732 companies who paid no tax in Australia in the 2015 to 16 financial year. Collectively, their income was more than 500 billion dollars.

